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Autonomy of African Countries’ Think Tanks and China-Africa Think Tank Exchanges
Author(s): ZHOU Jinyan, Shanghai Academy of Global Governance & Area Studies, Shanghai International Studies University
Pages: 119-
Year: 2021
Journal: Arab World Studies
Keyword: African Countries’ Think Tanks; Autonomy; China-Africa Think Tank Exchanges;
Abstract: Due to the dependence on Western financial aid,the deep influence of Western thoughts,the vulnerability to changes in the domestic political situation,the lack of policy formulation and personnel interaction between think tanks and the government,and the unclear positioning,the influence of African think tanks on their governments and society is restricted. As African think tanks increase their sense of autonomy,their partners and research topics have shown a trend of "looking east ". China should seize the opportunity to further help African countries consolidate the mechanism and capacity building of think tanks and help them increase their influence on national and regional policies and public opinion,and shape a diversified and rational international discourse on Sino-African relations.
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