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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
China’s Party Diplomacy Towards the Arab Countries
Pages: 3-24+157
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  China-Arab RelationsParty DiplomacyArab PartiesInterParty RelationsSouth-South Cooperation;
Abstract: The all-round cooperation betw een China and Arab countries relies on various means such as government diplomacy,party diplomacy,public diplomacy and non-government diplomacy. China’s party diplomacy tow ards the Arab countries is characterized by mechanism coordination,w ith the International Department of the CPC Central Committee as the main body, and w ith the political parties,organizations,leaders,media and think tanks in Arab countries as the objects.China’s party diplomacy includes the holding of dialogues betw een Chinese and Arab political parties, signing memoranda of cooperation betw een political parties,holding w orkshops,and promoting mutual visits betw een party leaders and youth.China’s party diplomacy tow ards the Arab countries is an integral part of the great pow er diplomacy w ith Chinese characteristics. It promotes the exchange of political mutual trust and governance experiences,and also the "Belt and Road"Initiative and people-to-people exchanges. It has safeguarded China’s sovereignty,security and development interests,promoted the cause of Arab peace and development,and fostered South-South cooperation.
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