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Journal Articles
Educational Reform in the Period of Muhammad Ali in Egypt
Pages: 25-41+157-158
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  EgyptMuhammad AliEducational ReformEducation Modernization;
Abstract: The colonial expansion of Western countries caused the decline of traditional Islamic education in Egypt. Muhammad Ali’s demand for large-scale reforms and the introduction of advanced Western ideology and culture,and other internal and external factors,constituted the main motivations for Egyptian education reform during Muhammad Ali’s period. The key contents of the educational reform were to create various professional schools and secular schools, and send government-funded students to European countries. The educational reform was characterized by the "inverted pyramid"structure,pragmatism,the elite-education model and religious education’s preservation. The effects of educational reform were as follows: Firstly,the monopoly of traditional Islamic education in Egypt has been broken,and an educational pattern in which secular education and religious education coexist in Egypt has gradually formed. Secondly,the prosperity of Egyptian culture and the ideological emancipation of Egyptian society have been promoted. Thirdly,the development of modern Egypt’s industry was facilitated. Fourthly,practical talents were cultivated,and the smooth implementation of reforms in other fields was also ensured. Moreover,many educational concepts,such as elites going overseas to study,have been carried forward even to this day. In conclusion,although the educational reform opened the way to Egypt’s modern education,its purpose was to maintain Muhammad Ali’s his own rule,and overall it lacked long-term planning.
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