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Journal Articles
The Construction and Governance of the Spanish-Moroccan Border
Pages: 117-136+159-160
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Border ConstructionMoroccoSpanish EnclaveEuropean UnionCOVID-19 Pandemic;
Abstract: Ceuta and Melilla, located on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea at the northern tip of Africa, are two Spanish enclaves isolated on the African continent. The land border activities and economic exchanges in these two cities reflects the conflicts and communication between Morocco and Spain, as well as the EU and non-EU countries. Its construction and governance affect not only the political stability, economic development, and diplomatic relations of the two countries, but also the EU’s immigration policy and European-African relations, which constructs a unique and dynamic identity for border residents. From 2020, affected by COVID-19 Pandemic, the border space between Ceuta and Melilla has undergone new changes. This paper reviews the emergence and alteration of the border issue, analyzing its "duality", "interweavement", "volatility" and other characteristics. In doing so, it will illuminate that the border space between Ceuta and Melilla functions as a barrier and a bridge, which affects identity construction, border construction and reconstruction. This paper is of great significance for the study of the enclave identity, EU policies and Euro-Mediterranean relations.
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