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Journal Articles
The Composition, Development and Growing Influence of Islamic Extremism in Russia
Pages: 76-95+159
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  RussiaSocial TransformationIslamPoliticization of IslamIslamic Extremism;
Abstract: In the field of non-traditional security of the post-Cold War era, religious extremism has become a major challenge to all countries, among which Islamic extremism is of the greatest impact. As a traditional religion in Russia, Islam, highlighted by the rise of Islamic revivalism, has left a deep imprint in the Russian society during its transition period. With the decline of Russia’s federal government, Islamic extremism came to foster growing influences and attempted to realize the independence in the North Caucasus as well as the establishment of the so-called "Islamic State", which caused great trauma to the Russian state and society.. In the context of the global Islamic extremism, the issue of Islamic extremism has always existed in Russia and has become a major hidden danger affecting national security and social stability.
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