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The “Empire” Analogy to “Pan-Arabism” Through the US Print Media
Author(s): BAI Yuntian, School of International Relations, Sun Yat-Sen University
Pages: 137-
Year: 2021
Journal: Arab World Studies
Keyword: Pan-Arabism; "Arab Empire"; Historical Memories; Arab-US Relations; Orientalism;
Abstract: Over the first half of 20 th century, facing the Arabs’ appeal of unity, combined with the Western world’s stereotypes of Islam, a considerable number of people portray "pan-Arabism" as a medieval "Arab empire" and the opposite of Western civilization through the American media. After the Nasser regime came to power, out of hostility to Egypt’s pro-Soviet diplomacy, the American media have accused the Egyptian government of trying to rely on the support of the Soviet Union to establish an "Arab Empire." As the contradiction between Egypt(the Arab League) and the Soviet Union intensified, the American media continued to be hostile to Nasser’s "pan-Arabism", believing that although Nasser’s ambition to establish an ‘Arab Empire’ led to its dispute with the Soviet Union, it remained a threat from the West. Although Americans’ hostility towards Nasser is accompanied by a strong Cold War mentality, they frequently use the historical vocabulary of "Arab Empire" or "Muslim Empire"to describe Nasser’s "pan-Arabism" practice, which is in essence a continuation of the narrative model of "East and West Opposition". It reflects the long-standing historical memory of the "Islamic Conquest" in the Western world, along with their concerns about the integration tendency of the Middle East.
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