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Journal Articles
The Diyanet in Turkey’s Foreign Relations
Pages: 66-82+157
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Islamic diplomacyDiyanetJustice and Development Party(AKP)Recep Tayyip ■;
Abstract: In addition to Iran and Saudi Arabia,Turkey is to become a third power of international Islamic politics.However,the secularist reform under Kemal ■ as well as its close relationship with Europe distinguishes Turkey from other countries in the Greater Middle East.In the context of post-9/11 and "Arabic Spring," the Turkish Model characterized by the compatibility of Islam and secularism has been admired by many Islamic countries.During the reign of Justice and Development under the leadership of Recep Tayyip ■,both the domestic and foreign policy has become more Islamic in Turkey.Diyanet as a key religio-political institution takes a lot of diplomatic missions,such as the overseas branches,repairing and building mosques,and training of Imams.But Turkey’s "rediscovery of the Middle East " is interpreted as neo-Ottomanism.It shows an expansionist character,such as Turkey’s involvement and intervention in the wars of Syria and Libya;in the meantime,it also represents the return of Islamism in both Turkey’s domestic and international policy.
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