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Rethinking on the Relationship Between Islam and the West from Mediaeval to Modern Times
Author(s): LIU Zhongmin, Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University
Pages: 3-
Year: 2020
Journal: Arab World Studies
Keyword: Islam and the West; Conflict and Cooperation; Civilization Intercourse;
Abstract: The relationship betw een Islam and the West in the mediaeval times is a complicated process accompanied by conflict and cooperation. The relationship betw een the tw o sides has not only a long conflict w ith religious color,but also left many beautiful stories of harmonious coexistence among different religions,w hich how ever,has been covered by conflict narrative. In modern times, rejection and escaping,secularism and Westernization,Islamic modernism and nationalism constitute the four forms of Islam ’s response to the West. In this process,Islam ’s response to the West w as not simply to contain,resist or exclude. Firstly,the complex relationship betw een M iddle Eastern nationalism and Islam is an important factor that affects the existence of various forms of relations betw een Islamic countries in the M iddle East and the West.Secondly,Islamic political thoughts and their social forces have complex and diverse responses to the West,rather than simply anti-Western. Finally,this paper draw s tw o conclusions: First,the narrative theme of the relationship betw een Islam and the West needs to be rew ritten urgently, needing to get rid of the one-sided narrative of highlighting conflict and looking dow n upon cooperation at present. Second, the conflicts in the history of the relationship betw een Islam and the West exist objectively,w hich is neither a religious conflict nor a conflict of civilizations.
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