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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Impact of Hajj on Sino-Saudi Relations
Pages: 55-75+159
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  HajjSino-Saudi RelationsBandung ConferenceDeng Xiaoping’s visit to the USComprehensive Strategic Partnership;
Abstract: Hajj is not only the religious obligation of Muslims all over the world,but also a significant factor that has impacted on bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and other countries where Muslims live. Hajj has played a role as a link in the development of Sino-Saudi relations. Hajj has played the roles of "lifeline""pioneer""lubricant "and"newfrontier"in four historical stages. On the whole,the exchanges between China and Saudi Arabia started from the simply religious field to the religious and non-political fields,and finally involved many fields such as politics,economy,military,society and culture. With the in-depth development of relations between the two countries,Hajj gradually returned to the religious essence in the bilateral relations.Only when the two countries cooperate and strengthen cooperation in the management of Hajj can they promote the optimization of global Hajj governance and the strategic docking of the development strategies of China and Saudi Arabia.
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