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Journal Articles
Algerian Model of De-Radicalization: Means, Effects and Challenges
Pages: 3-15+116
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  AlgeriaRadicalismDe-radicalizationCounter-terrorism Measures;
Abstract: Since the late 1990 s,Algeria combined its counter-radicalism with other anti-terrorism measures,correction of radicals’ behaviors w ith prevention of high-risk social groups,and individual de-radicalization with collective de-radicalization. Meanw hile,the country was dependent on both social and government works,and employed different policies towards various targeted groups in its deradicalization practices. By the mid-2010 s, Algeria’s de-radicalization methods had achieved remarkable results. When the decade-long civil war ended,there were trends of moderation of religious groups,secularization of moderate religious groups,and diversification of social ideologies. However,due to the lack of the tracking system towards the repentant radicals,the failure of destroying the networks among radicals,and the problems with the country’s way of manipulating different Islamist groups,as well as the international rise of radicalism and the turmoil in surrounding countries,Algeria has witnessed the resurgence of radicalism in recent years. The case study of Algeria can provide useful insights for the study of effects of de-radicalization and the prevention of the recurrence of radicalism.
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