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Journal Articles
Morocco’s Counter-Extremism Policy: An Analysis
Pages: 16-30+116
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Counter-extremismDe-radicalizationMoroccoReform of Religious Institutions;
Abstract: Counter-extremism is the sublimation of the concept of de-radicalization,which has important theoretical and practical significance for understanding the efforts of governments’ deradicalization. This paper uses counter-extremism as a conceptual method to evaluate Morocco’s efforts of de-radicalization. The Moroccan counter-extremism policies mainly include three aspects. First,the top-down "mandatory" religious institutional reform for religious unification and standardization;second,governance on poverty and improving social and economic conditions; third,initiating the musalaha( rehabilitation) program, which ensures that detainees can achieve self-reconciliation,identify with Moroccan moderate Islam and integrate into Moroccan society through a series of mechanisms, such as Islamic moderating, psychological counseling and post-prison tracking mechanism. Overall,although the Moroccan counter-extremism policies have prevented terrorist attacks successfully,the return of jihadists and the emergence of a newgeneration of extremists have highlighted the shortcomings.
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