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Outside Powers’ Outlooks on the Middle Eastern Security Governance: A Comparative Study
Author(s): SUN Degang, Aml Ali, Middle East Studies Institute, Shanghai International Studies University
Pages: 3-
Year: 2019
Journal: Arab World Studies
Keyword: Security Governance; Outside Powers and the Middle East; Geo-economics; Geopolitics; International Security;
Abstract: The Middle East is a major arena for great powers to safeguard their overseas interests,participate in global security governance and foster international discourses. This paper compares seven outside powers of the U. S., U. K., France, Russia, Japan, China and India, by exploring commonalities and divergences of their styles of Middle East security governance. These seven countries can be categorized into three types: geopolitically predominant powers,geo-economically predominant powers,and hybrid powers. The three categories of powers are different in their perception of security,interests,military and cooperation. In prospect,the suppliers of Middle Eastern public security goods will evolve from simply Western powers to the portfolio of established powers,rising powers and the hybrid powers. Promoting Western-led hegemonic governance to a UN-led inclusive governance is the basis for peace and security in the Middle East.
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