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Journal Articles
Continuation and Adjustment: On Trump Administration’s Middle East Policy
Pages: 46-60+119
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Donald TrumpU.S.’ Middle East PolicyContainment StrategyTrump Doctrine;
Abstract: US President Donald Trump has gradually clarified and adjusted US policy to the Middle East since he took office. On the one hand,Trump goes further along Obama ’s strategic contraction and offshore balancing. On the other hand, Trump has shown unilateralism and utilitarianism in the context of ‘America First ’. The Trump administration first changed Obama administration’s avoidance and prudence toward the war,attacked the Syrian government’s targets,and then announced the withdrawal of troops from Syria as soon as possible at the end of December 2018,reflecting the flexibility and variability of his Middle East policy. Thus the Trump Doctrine’aims at maintaining US hegemony and maximizing its political and economic interests in the Middle East,by practicing a containment policy of Iran as its core on one hand,and adopting a clear and highlighted policy toward Palestinian-Israeli conflicts,Syrian crisis,counter-terrorism and energy issue on the other.
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