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Journal Articles
“Rentier Contract” and Modern Welfare Society in the Gulf Monarchies
Pages: 77-90+119-120
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Gulf Monarchies‘Rentier Contract’Welfare SocietySocial Governance;
Abstract: ‘Rentier contract’plays a key role in state governance system of the Arab Gulf monarchies. Since the second half of the 20 thcentury,the Gulf monarchies has gradually established their modern welfare society on the basis of ‘rentier contract’. For the six Gulf monarchies,this is not only the function of government to distribute oil wealth in order to provide public goods,but also the valve of social assistance in the Arabian Peninsula, as a form unity of historical heritage and development. The high welfare society has assured living standards of the people in the Gulf monarchies,as well as consolidated their respective governance basis. However,the‘rentier contract’has gradually been challenged thus brought more problems to their modern welfare society. The pressure has been increased on social governance in the Gulf monarchies. The Gulf monarchies nowseek to develop their‘rentier contract’into "governance contract",aimed at transforming and upgrading their modern welfare society,and strengthening their social governance.
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