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Journal Articles
Think Tanks in Turkey: Developments and Influences
Pages: 103-117+120
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Think TanksTurkeyDomestic Issues and DiplomacySino-Turkish Relations;
Abstract: Turkey is one of the first countries in the Middle East that established think tanks,which have been playing an increasingly active role in affecting policy making both in domestic and diplomatic issues in Turkey. This article examines the development of Turkish think tanks,their basic types and its implications to Sino-Turkish relations. Turkish think tanks have witnessed rapid development since 2000. Under the influences of Turkeu’s domestic politics,its think tanks have shaped their characteristics and encountered problems, such as the aspects of their relations with the government,ideology,and human resources. This article categorizes Turkish think tanks in modern times into two main types,private thinks tanks and think tanks affiliated to educational or academic institutions. Turkish think tanks influence the Republic’s internal and diplomatic policy making through seven ways. The "Belt and Road" Initiative has deepened Sino-Turkish relations, and the communication and partnership of think tanks between China and Turkey in particular.
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