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Journal Articles
Political System Transformation and Turkey’s Political Choice: From Parliamentary System to Presidential System
Pages: 56-69+119
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  TurkeyParliamentary SystemPresidential SystemDemocracy TransformationPath of Political Development;
Abstract: Turkey’s 2014 presidential election put presidential reform on the agenda. The success of the 2017 constitutional referendum led Turkey into a period of transition from a parliamentary system to a presidential system. The 2018 presidential election officially marked the end of the Turkish parliamentary system and the beginning of a presidential system. However,the creation of "New Turkey"still faces uncertainty. This article focuses on: Why Turkey chose the parliamentary system in early days of its founding; Why the debate of presidential system has emerged since the 1970 s; What changes have been made to Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s presidential system; Why this transition happened;and what are the opportunities and challenges that the presidential system will bring to Turkey. This article aims at enriching the understanding of"Turkish path of political development"and"Turkish democracy transformation".
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