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Journal Articles
Salafism in Sub-Saharan Africa:Diffusion,Radicalization and Impacts
Pages: 44-58+119
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Sub-SaharanSalafismRadicalism’Arch of Instability’;
Abstract: The three movements,Murabit,Muwahhid and Fulani Jihad,have laid ideological foundation for Salafism’s spread in Sub-Saharan Africa. The spread of Salafism in early stage was with the strong characteristics of Scholasticism,and the strength and breadth then were limited. However,since the 1970 s,the means of the spread of Salafism in Sub-Saharan Africa have become increasingly diversified. In this period,with the propagation carrier of Jihadists,the radical Salafism has been infiltrated in the Sahel region and surrounding areas,which has not only undermined the religious pattern with the Sufism as the mainstream in Sub-Saharan Africa, but also consumed the of demographic dividend in Sub-Saharan Africa when it dismantling the national mechanism in the region.Most of all,the social control which created by some radical organizations,with the propaganda of the ideas "Ummah"and "Caliphate",have challenged the nation-state construction in Sub-Saharan Africa where the difficulties have already existed.
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