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Journal Articles
The Evolution of Boko Haram and Nigeria’s Counter Terrorism Policies
Pages: 59-73+119
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  NigeriaBoko HaramReligious ExtremismMuhammadu Buhari;
Abstract: In recent years,the rise of religious extremism and terrorism around the world has triggered deep concerns of the international community. A case in point is the Islamic insurgent group Boko Haram in Nigeria. Combining religious extremism and terrorism together,Boko Haram has posed tremendous threats to Nigeria,the most populous country and the largest economy in Africa,and to her neighbors as well. The rise and spread of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria has much to do with the deep historical accumulation of Islamism and modern prosperity in the region. The lack of effective governance and the long-term accumulation of livelihood problems in Nigeria,as well as the infiltration of international extremist forces,have inspired the evolution of Boko Haram. Since Muhammadu Buhar’s inauguration, Nigeria’s countermeasures against Boko Haram acquired some successes.However,to a large extent,the final settlement of the Boko Haram issue depends on whether the social and economic development in the Northern Nigeria may improve and whether more jobs for the youth could be created. Meanwhile,regional and international anti-terror cooperation is also earnestly needed.
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