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Journal Articles
Islamic Extremism:Attributes,Origins and Predicaments
Pages: 3-17+118
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Islamic ExtremismIslamic World"Islamic State"International Order;
Abstract: Islamism has become an increasingly worth noting problem on international political stage. This article is mainly divided into three parts to analyze Islamic Extremism in the international arena. The first part analyzes the main features of Islamic extremism : the global scope of the activities,the extremity of policy advocating,and cruelty of implementation means. The second part highlights the main causes of extremism : the religious conservatism provides ideological source for the extremism;economic marginalization and poverty situation are the economic origins of extremism; the hegemonism and power politics are the external sources of extremism. The third part discusses the effect and prospects of extremism. This article argues that extremism is unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything. In the long run,Islamic extremism will not easily withdrawfrom the historical stage,and international community should keep vigilant about it.
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