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Journal Articles
International Human Rights NGOs and the Middle East Upheavals
Pages: 61-74+119
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  International Human Rights NGOsMiddle East UpheavalsDemocratizationTransnational Advocacy Networks;
Abstract: International Human Rights NGOs’activities in the Middle East are carried out through many ways including financial support,technical guidance and transnational advocacy networks.These organizations train professional resistance forces,reform and even change political discourse systems of the Middle East countries,improve the development of civil society,promote the democratization process in the Middle East and create an inclusive environment for the political opposition.The behavioral characteristics of International Human Rights NGOs include that they investigate human rights violations,make full use of the mobilization function of the Internet,launch international judicial action against the violators of human rights,affect Western public opinion and decision making,set sensitive agendas in accordance with their own political preference.They cannot behave immune from the Western governments’ influence.
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