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Journal Articles
Coptic Issue and the Institutional Roots of Religious Conflicts in Egypt
Pages: 19-33+118
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  EgyptCoptic IssueNation StateReligious Conflicts;
Abstract: Since the 1970s,religious conflicts have emerged constantly between Copts and Muslims in Egypt.Church building,inter-faith marriage and conversion are among the most contentious issues between them.This paper argues that,apart from the influences of global and regional security environments,the religious conflicts in Egypt are rooted in its domestic institutional defects:the ambiguity of bureaucratic procedures and the fragmentation of legal system.In this circumstance,Islamic extremists’attacks on Copts,the radicalization of overseas Coptic organizations and mismanagement by Egyptian government have all politicized the Coptic issue,which worsens the endurance and diffusion of religious conflicts.
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