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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Development Status of Islamic International Organizations: A Multidimensional Analysis
Pages: 75-88+119
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Islamic International OrganizationsTime-Space DimensionOrganization dimensionAgenda DimensionGlobal Governance;
Abstract: In recent years,Islamic international organizations are extensively participating in international affairs and global governance.Through the space-time dimension,organization dimension and agenda dimension,this paper argues that Islamic international organizations,represented by Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Muslim World League,are influential.Islamic international organizations have played their unique role in global governance.However,the means of their governance need to be further enriched and their governance implementation actions require further enhancement.We should pay more attention to those Islamic international organizations and their roles in deepening the friendly cooperative relations between China and the Islamic world to improve China’s global governance capabilities.At the same time,we should strengthen the supervision and management of the Islamic international organizations in China.
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