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Journal Articles
Erdogan’s “New Turkey”and the Crisis of “Turkish Model”
Pages: 3-15+118
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  "New Turkey""Turkish Model"AKPRecep Tayyip Erdogan;
Abstract: Turkey’s "abortive coup"in July 2016 portends another highlight of the upheavals in the Middle East since the "Arab Spring". As a political anomaly,the "NewTurkey "is characterized by dynamic economy,strong democracy and proactive diplomacy,the essence of which is a restoration of Islam. It aims to go beyond Kemalism as a state ideology. Domestically,after a sequence of election victories of the Justice and Development Party, Islamic democracy has developed into electoral hegemony; internationally,economic development and geo-political position have promoted Turkey’s ambition on expansionism. Threatened by both refugee crisis and terrorist attacks,the "NewTurkey "and "Turkish Model " represented by Recep Tayyip Erdo gan has nearly gone into bankrupt almost simultaneously. In the newround game between Turkey and great powers,Erdogan once again showed inconsistency and unpredictability. The future direction of Turkey’s politics will become a variable in the Middle East and global politics.
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