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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Review of Russia’s Energy Cooperation with the Middle East
Pages: 47-60+119
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  RussiaM iddle EastEnergy CooperationEnergy Diplomacy;
Abstract: Energy cooperation is an important diplomatic tool for Russia’s involvement in the Middle East. With the help of energy cooperation,Russia is developing relationships with key Middle Eastern countries,strengthening cooperation with traditional friendly countries,which contributes to the building of Russia’s three-dimensional diplomacy toward the Middle East. Russia’s energy cooperation with the Middle East serves its overall foreign policy,subject to its domestic economic situation and its overall economic strength,covering both bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Continued downturn of the oil price and turbulence of the region have promoted the energy cooperation between Russia and regional countries on the one hand,but have left hidden inevitable competition between the two,both of whom are energy producers and exporters,in crucial international energy consumption markets.
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