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Journal Articles
Economic Cooperation between China and Iran from the Perspective of“the Belt and Road”
Pages: 21-34+116
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  "The Belt and Road"InitiativeChinaIranEconomic and Trade Cooperation;
Abstract: Iran is an important economic and trade partner of China,and is also the fulcrum of China to build"the Belt and Road"in the Middle East. The continuous development of Sino-Iranian economic and trade relationship has laid a solid foundation for jointly building "the Belt and Road". In the framework of common construction for"the Belt and Road",docking the development strategy of China and Iran has brought new opportunities to deepen Sino-Iranian economic and trade cooperation. Since Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Iran at the beginning of the year 2016,China and Iran have achieved early harvests in these key areas such as energy cooperation,interconnecting and interworking cooperation,production capacity and financial cooperation,but both sides are not very satisfied with the progress of the projects.Lifting the sanctions against Iran slowly and incompletely by the US,as well as the business environment of Iran needing to be improved,are important factors affecting China’s investment in Iran. China and Iran need to work together to continue to strengthen the communication between two governments and the construction of the system,to promote bilateral pragmatic economic and trade cooperation and continue to expand the scale and enhance the quality based on the market economy.
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