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Journal Articles
Revisiting the Middle East Upheavals: The Arab Perspectives
Pages: 60-76+117
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Arab WorldM iddle East UpheavalsPolitical and Social TransformationsState Governance;
Abstract: Under the influences of domestic political developments,regional geopolitical changes,regional and external pow ers’ intervention,M iddle East upheavals have had profound impacts on the Arab w orld’s politics,security,societies,economy and on other fields. Over the past five years,Arab countries have been constantly rethinking the causes,nature,results and impacts of M iddle East upheavals. The cognitive changes of Arab scholars,ordinary people and youth tow ard the upheavals indicate that the Arabs, as direct participants in the ‘revolutions’, have renounced their initial fanaticism and blindness to overthrow the old regimes,and gradually returned to rationality. This is of great significance and conducive to the Arab countries to explore development path,enhance capacity of state governance,promote political modernization,and construct their ow n discourse in global system in the future.
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