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Journal Articles
A Study of the Relationship between Contemporary Egypt’s International Migrant Workers and Social Mobility
Pages: 102-115+118
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Contemporary EgyptInternational M igrant WorkersSocial M obility;
Abstract: International migrant w orkers in Egypt refer to temporary migrants for w ork purposes,most of w hom come from middle and low er middle classes of Egypt’s society. During the migration process,the property and income of Egypt’s international migrant w orkers have increased significantly,the occupation stratus has improved,and the ideas and the lifestyle of them have also changed. M any of these migrant w orkers have entered the middle class and realized their upw ard social mobility dreams.International migration becomes an important passage for Egyptians’ social mobility,w hile it is not yet solid enough to lay the foundation for constructing a modern social mobility mode in Egypt for reasons as follow s: The w ealth distribution that is partial to the upper middle class inhibits the realization of social equality in rural areas; international migrant w orkers have dual impacts on Egypt’s unemployment. To some extent,they also inhibit the capitalization of agricultural production in Egypt.
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