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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
China-GCC Cooperation in Information and Communication Technology
Pages: 63-75+119
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  GCCInformation and Communication Technology(ICT)Technology TransferKnowledge Spillover;
Abstract: There was a long-term history of Science and Technology( S&T) transfer between ancient China and Gulf Cooperation Council( GCC) countries. Information and Communication Technology( ICT),as the core capability of high-tech investment and the important measure of constructing know ledge-intensive society, will become the main topic of the technology transfer between China and GCC countries. Through analysis on the past,present and expected future of the ICT transfer between China and GCC countries,this paper will further discuss the question that how to achieve more valuable cooperation in technology transfer so as to realize China and GCC countries’ independent innovation value respectively.
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