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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
A Multi-perspective Analysis of China’s Participation in Public Health Governance of the Middle East
Pages: 45-62+119
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Global GovernancePubic Health GovernanceMedical AssistanceChina’s Middle East DiplomacyNational Image;
Abstract: It has been over half a century since the first time China offered medical assistance to Greater Middle East area,which enhanced local people’s understanding of China. However,China could not completely cope with public health crises in the era of globalization as the traditional Chinese medical assistance model is point-to-point and policy-oriented over decades. The ongoing international interaction of global health and its impact on non- traditional security shapes China’s involvement in health cooperative governance of regional and global levels,especially with the developing movement of the Belt and Road Initiative,highlighting the problems hidden from China’s health governance in the Middle East. Therefore,it is highly necessary to incorporate the cooperation between China and Middle East into the framework of global governance,theoretically or practically. The goal of this analysis is to lead China to get involved into health governance of different levels with new methods in the new era.
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