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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
China’s Participation in Governance of the Iranian Nuclear Issue: Theory and Practice
Pages: 3-19+118
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Chinathe Middle EastNuclear Proliferation GovernanceMiddle East Regional GovernanceIranian Nuclear Issue;
Abstract: China has been actively participating in the governance of nuclear proliferation,particularly aiming to deal with the Iranian nuclear issue,by which it can lay a strong foundation for constructing a new pattern of relationship between great powers and the participation in the regional governance. This paper mainly probes the theory and practice of Chinese participation in the nuclear proliferation governance in the contemporary Middle East,including the dynamics,approaches and institutions,with Chinese performance at the Iranian nuclear negotiation as a case study. This preliminary study finds that China in a new era,in an approach of multilateral mediation diplomacy,has four important dynamics of participation in the governance of the Middle East nuclear proliferation:energy interests,image-building,strategic interests and the defense of the principle of sovereignty.China’s efforts are made through multilateral mechanisms,IAEA and P5+1,and bilateral mechanisms which are China-U. S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue and China- Russia strategic security consultation.
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