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Calculation of Electrostatic Charge Density of Insulating Fluids Flowing in Pipes
Author(s): HAN Yi, HUANG Yong-hua, DONG Ju-hui, WU Jing-yi
Pages: 1-
Year: 2016
Journal: Refrigeration Technology
Keyword: Insulating fluid; Hydrogen; Flowing in pipe; Static; Charge density; Safety;
Abstract: Accumulation of electrostatic charge is one of the inducing factors causing safety accidents such as explosion during the storage and transportation process of refrigerants/cryogens as well as petroleum products. A theoretical model of static electrification in low temperature insulating fluids flowing in pipes was established, which enables prediction of the transient behavior of the electrostatic charge density of several flowing fluids including liquid hydrogen. By solving the ionic flux density equation and the Poisson equation, the relationship between the electrostatic charge density and the impact parameters such as the pipe radius, and the properties (temperature, pressure and Reynolds number) of several flowing fluids including liquid hydrogen was studied. The results showed that the charge density generally has positive correlation with the above parameters. However, their influencing principles are specific and sensitive to the flowing conditions (laminar or turbulent), and the thermophysical properties such as saturation degree, temperature, pressure and conductivity.
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