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Journal Articles
Effect of CIDR Treatment on Pregnancy Rate and Progesterone Concentration in Raw Milk
Pages: 24-27
Year: Issue:  23
Journal: China Dairy Cattle

Keyword:  Estrus synchronizationHormone;
Abstract: To evaluate the effect of CIDR treatment on pregnancy rate and progesterone concentration in raw milksample. Totally 233 healthy cows were separated to two groups randomly for drug-induced estrus synchronization.CIDR treatment: 0d, CIDR inserted into per vaginum with GnRH injection. 7d, lutalyes were injected with removalof CIDR. 9d, muscle injecting GnRH. Timing artificial insemination at 10d. All the protocols were followed withoutCIDR insertion as control. The samples of raw milk were collected from the CIDR treatment groups, control groupand all phase of gestation period to detect the concentration of progesterone in the raw milk. The pregnancy rate wasnot significant difference between in CIDR treatment group and control(P>0.05). Although the CDIR treatmentgroup with concentration of progesterone in raw milk was higher than the control(1.8ng/mL VS 1ng/mL), it wasmuch lower than the cows during gestation period. In conclusion, hormone induced estrus synchronization bymuscle injection can resulted in high pregnancy rate. The CIDR treatment didn't affect the quality of raw milk.
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