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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Key Factors Analysis of Quality Control in Raw Milk
Pages: 43-46
Year: Issue:  23
Journal: China Dairy Cattle

Keyword:  RawmilkInlfuencefactorsQualitycontrol;
Abstract: The raw milk in Anda area was uesd as an example to study the inlfuence of breeding pattern, feeding type, breeding management, the milking way, storage and transportation on the quality of raw milk, providing the basis for the quality control of raw milk. The raw milk taken from retail, breeding area, standardization ranch was tested respectively, including the milk production, the percentage of fat, protein, dry matter, and the change of the number of bacteria, somatic cell count and so on. The results showed that the highest cow milk production and the optimal quality of raw milk was in standardization ranch. TMR feeding and experiments of sports venues can improve the milk production and the quality of raw milk. Scientiifc of mastitis prevention, rapid cooling mechanical squeeze milk and other methods can effectively reduce the total number of bacteria in raw milk.
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