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Journal Articles
The Impact of the United States’ Wedge Strategy in the Middle East during the Cold War
Pages: 105-120
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Middle EastUS-Soviet CompetitionWedge Strategy;
Abstract: During the Cold War,the Middle East is one of focus of the US-Soviet competition,the primary goal of US Middle East policy is to limit the expansion of Soviet power,therefore using the wedge strategy to seek prealignment or dealignment the alliance with Soviet Union. First,by establishing Baghdad Pact,Central Treaty Organization or other multilateral security organizations to prevent the expansion of Soviet influence in the Middle East; Second,through implementing regime change,military conquest to limit Soviet influence in the Middle East; The third,aid competition with the Soviet Union in some key countries in the Middle East. From the Prospective of strategic effect,even though the United States failed to completely remove Soviet influence in the Middle East,but overall a dominant position in the Middle East during the most of the time in the Cold War. As for the complex ethnic and religious problems and unrest in the Middle East makes,both the United States and the Soviet union are unable control once and for all in the Middle East,but need to continue to make strategic investment,which also lead to the United States adjust wedge strategy based on strategic resource constraints in the Middle East,the advantages of the United States and the Soviet union in the Middle East and the formation of the United States and Soviet Union taken mutual advantage in the Middle East.
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