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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Challenges and Solutions about the International Spread of Xinjiang Issue in the Arab Countries
Pages: 43-58
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Xinjiang IssueInternational SpreadSino-Arab RelationsSoft Containment;
Abstract: Recently even though the Arab countries are prone to learn from China,the Arabians are lacking the basic comprehension of the national conditions of China,especially the national and religious policies of China and the Xinjiang issue.The misunderstanding has became one of the obstacles that influence the realization of interlink between China and Arab countries,which does harm to the relationship between China and Arab countries,particularly the friendship between Chinese and Arabian. Hence,we need to engage in strengthening the results of international spread of Xinjiang issue to Arab countries to conduct the soft restrain of western countries and enhance the understanding trust and sustain of Arabians towards China. Those can be conducted by altering the spread strategy,improving the spread ability,boosting the fostering of talents and so on.
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