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Research on Ethnic Groups and Nation-State Building of Middle East Region
Author(s): ZHANG Yanjun, Historical and Cultural Institute, Xian Yang Normal College
Pages: 76-
Year: 2014
Journal: Arab World Studies
Keyword: Ethnic Groups; Middle East; Nation-State Building; Copts;
Abstract: The ethnic and religion situation of Middle East is extremely complex, this results in there are a lot of ethnic groups in the Middle East countries. How to handle the relationship with ethnic groups, which is a key factor that effects nation-state building of Middle East countries. This article is base on Coptics to analyze the relationship evolve between ethnic groups and main nation, also includes the marginalization of ethnic groups in the process that nation-state building, in addition, the policy shortcomings toward ethnic groups are also researched. In the author’s opinion, equity of policy and policy execution is the only way that all ethnic groups realize coexistence and development.
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