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Journal Articles
Analysis on the Function of the Middle Class in the Process of Secularization in Turkey
Pages: 108-120
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Arab World Studies

Keyword:  Turkeythe Middle ClassSecularization;
Abstract: The middle class of Turkey formed a century ago. It included just bureaucracy and the military in the late Ottoman Empire. But now businessmen and intellectuals are also the middle class. The majority of the middle class who likes the western life has European identity. The middle class supports secularization. To join the EU is the purpose of the middle class. Companies of the western countries like investing in Turkey because of the stable growth of economy in Turkey. The middle class loves the modernization. They enjoy Fashion Dresses, bars, Hollywood movies. The middle class is keen to study in the United States. The majority of the middle class is an important force to the future of Turkey.
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