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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Six Tibetan Translations of the Ratnagotravibhāga
Pages: 76-101
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: China Tibetology

Keyword:  宝性论Tibetdoctrineextantcataloguetranslatedteachcommentarytranslatorrecord;
Abstract: <正>The Ratnagotravibhaga(abbr.RGV)is one of the most influential texts among Indic works that teach the Buddha-nature doctrine in Tibet.No translation of the text seems to have existed in Tibet before the 11th century,inasmuch as no catalogue of the imperial period(the 9th century),such as the lDan dkar ma and vPbang tbang ma,shows any record.Although only a single Tibetan translation is extant(that of rNgog Blo ldan shes tab[1069-
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