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The application and Efficacy of Risk Assessment in Femoral Neck Fractures in Elderly
Author(s): SHI Bilan, HE Xiaoxia, LIN Shaojing, ZOU Qiurong, XU Huanrong
Pages: 94-
Year: 2015
Journal: Haerbin Medical Journal
Keyword: Risk assessment; Elderly; Femoral neck fracture;
Abstract: Objective To explore the application and efficacy of Risk Assessment in femoral neck fractures in elderly. Methods 150 cases of femoral neck fracture patients were divided into the observation group and the control group according to the order of admission decision. Each group contained 75 cases. the control group decide when to perform surgery by doctors based on clinical symptoms, the family requested and work experience. the observation were evalute the sugery risk by homemade femoral neck fracture risk assessment. Results Theoperativetime[(92.8±18.5)minvs.(110.5±20.4)min],intraoperativebloodloss[(189.5±45.8)mlvs.(210.4±49.3)mL]and bed time after operation [(34. 3 ± 12. 8)d vs. (48. 9 ± 11. 6)d] in the observation group were significantly lower than the control group, p <0. 001. the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias (4. 0% vs. 14. 7%), electrolyte imbalance (2. 7% vs. 12. 0%), nonunion (5. 3% vs. 17. 3%), infection (2. 7% vs. 13. 3%) and dvt (2. 7% vs. 12. 0%) in the observation group were significantly lower than the control group,P<0. 05. Conclusion The application of Risk Assessment in femoral neck fractures in elderly could reduce operative time, intraoperative blood loss, bed time after operation,and it is useful to reduce the incidence of complications.
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