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Journal Articles
Postoperative Review 4538 Cases of Abortion and Abortion Care Effect After Evaluation
Pages: 97-99
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Haerbin Medical Journal

Keyword:  Artificial abortionAfter abortion care servicesEffect evaluation;
Abstract: Objective To explore the abortion after care service ( Post - abortion Care, PAC) postoperative nursing effect of artificial abortion women, provide reference for hospital work of PAC. Methods In 2013, the author on the hospital do abortion sur-gery in women randomly selected from 4538 cases of review and analysis. Random grouping method was divided into observation group (n=2269), the control group (n= 2269). Implementation of the control group, routine nursing group in the PAC care. Results The group of women repeated spontaneous abortion rate (6. 39%), high-risk abortion rate (4. 58%) was significantly lower than the control group (12. 74%), (10. 45%). Observer not contraception (0. 57%), regular contraceptives (22. 21%) were significantly lower than the control group (2. 47%), (34. 51%). Observer efficient contraceptives (28. 29%) was significantly higher than con-trol group (10. 18%), which was statistically significant differences (P< 0. 05). Conclusion PAC can more effectively reduce a woman′s repeated miscarriages, improve the effective contraceptive use women after the abortion. Protect the female reproductive health, it is worth clinical promotion.
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