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Correlation Analysis of Illness Stigma and Personality in Patients with Rehabilitation Schizophrenia
Author(s): Feng Ruiqi
Pages: 114-
Year: 2015
Journal: Haerbin Medical Journal
Keyword: Schizophrenia; Stigma; Personality;
Abstract: Objective To explore the status of the stigma for patients with rehabilitation schizophrenic and its relationship with personality. Methods Peerceived devaluation-discrimination scale and eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ-88) were used to assess 118 patients with schizophrenic in rehabilitation. Results The patients with rehabilitation schizophrenia with higher stigma lev-el. The female’ s stigma level is significantly higher than male. Extraversion and neuroticism can predict the stigma level of the pa-tients with rehabilitation schizophrenia. Conclusion There were obvious correlations between stigma and different factors of personali-ty with the patients with schizophrenic in rehabilitation period.
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