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Journal Articles
Study on Variation and Effect Factors of Milk Protein Percentage by DHI Data
Pages: 41-44
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: China Dairy Cattle

Keyword:  CowMilk protein percentageSomatic cell scoreEffect factors;
Abstract: The milk yield, milk fat percentage and milk protein percentage are the main indicators to evaluate milk performance of cows and they are the key effect factors to the economic beneifts of large-scale dairy farms. Being an important component of affecting the milk quality, milk protein percentage is inlfuenced by multiple factors. In our study, we analyzed the effects of the individual and the environmental factors on the milk protein percentage using the least square method by investigating 4864 DHI data of cows of Zhaoyuan dairy farm in Daqing from 2010 to 2013. The results indicated that the milk protein percentage for the dairy herd was 3.27±0.48%,and 72.4% individual cows milk protein percentage were higher than 2.95%.The natural months, calving season, lactation and parity could signiifcantly inlfuence milk protein percentage (P<0.05). It was positively correlated with somatic cell score (SCS) (r=0.196), but was inversely related to daily milk yield (r=-0.647). Our results may provide the scientiifc basis for the feeding and management of dairy farm and the monitoring of milk quality.
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