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Journal Articles
Hybrid Improvement of Jersey Cattle Crossbreeding with Tibet Local Yellow Cattle
Pages: 13-15
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: China Dairy Cattle

Keyword:  Jersey cattleTibet local yellow cattleHybrid improvementProduction performance;
Abstract: The investigation for hybrid improvement of Jersey cattle crossbreeding with Tibet local yellow cattle was conduct in this study. The results showed that:(1)The chest, cross department of higher body measurements for the F1generation have signiifcantly improved, birth weight and body weight were signiifcantly improved. (2)By the investigation for 15 primiparous cows, milk production of a crossbred cow was 1594.1kg higher than a local cattle. The survey for 10 market slaughter cattle showed that the economic beneift of a hybrid cattle raising was 2100 yuan more thana local cattle. The crossbreeding of Jersey cattle with Tibet local yellow cattle can not only improve the smaller body type, lower production performance, longer breeding years of the local yellow cattle, but also improve economic efifciency and increase the income of farmers in Tibet, it has great realistic signiifcance.
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