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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Effects of Adjunct Cultures on the Nutty Flavor of Cheddar Cheese
Pages: 29-32
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: China Dairy Cattle

Keyword:  AdjunctculturesNuttylfavorCheddarcheese;
Abstract: Adjunct cultures play an important role in the formation of cheese typical flavor, but the effects of different adjunct cultures on cheese lfavor is distinct. Chinese consumers’ favorite the nutty lfavor of cheese. The key to the development of chinese cheese industry is the use of adjunct cultures to enhance cheese nutty lfavor and the research of cheese products to suit to chinese market. In this study, different non-starter lactic acid bacteria were isolated and screened out from four kinds of cheese riching nutty lfavor as the adjunct cultures to product Cheddar cheese. We analyzed the composition of cheese ingredients, free amino acids and volatile lfavor compounds. The result shows that, the adjunct cultures did not signiifcantly affect the fermentation of the components of Cheddar cheese,butcanchangethelfavorofcheese.Inconclusion,StrainLactobacillus rhamnosus T8 is more suitable for adding the nutty lfavor of Cheddar cheese.
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