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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Pages: 291-299
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Keyword:  quaternionexponential mappinginverse distance weight interpolationhierarchical blend strategysub-boundarystatic aeroelasticity;
Abstract: In order to solve the multi-quaternion interpolation problem, quaternion is exponentially mapped to lie algebra space firstly, and the IDW interpolation method is combined to propagate the boundary perturbation to space. Consequently, the new grid deformation technique with high robustness is established based on quaternion. Aiming at the low efficiency due to large matrix computation, the proposed method takes advantage of the characteristic of quaternion method that can keep the boundary deformation in high-order consistency with elastic wall, and constructs the hierarchical deformation strategy that avoids the large matrix computation for the whole flow field. Furthermore, the infinite interpolation(TFI) which has strongly logical holding ability is combined in the hierarchical blend strategy. The embedded parallelism of multi-area, overlapping, patched grid deformation technology is utilized to establish the parallel program for grid deformation based on "peer to peer" programming concept and MPI library functions. Finally, a typical example of aircraft wing-body for aerodynamic aeroelasticity analysis is used to demonstrate the computational efficiency and robustness of proposed method by comparing with existing methods. Moreover, the hierarchical deformation technique is applied to the jig shape design of a regional aircraft, the efficiency and robust of the new type of the dynamic mesh technique is verified.
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