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Journal Articles
guan xin bing gao wei huan zhe zhong dan gu chun he cheng / xi shou biao zhi wu yu a tuo fa ta ting jiang dan gu chun liao xiao de guan lian
Pages: 314-315
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine

Abstract: 2013年11月J Lipid Res发表了首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院北京市心肺血管疾病研究所流行病学研究室齐玥为第一作者、赵冬教授为通信作者的研究“冠心病高危患者中胆固醇合成/吸收标志物与阿托伐他汀降胆固醇疗效的关联”(Qi Y,Liu J,Ma C,et al.Association between cholesterol synthesis/absorption markers and effects of cholesterol lowering by atorvastatin among patients with high risk of coronary heart disease.J Lipid Res,2013,54:3189-3197.).
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