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Journal Articles
sun yong zhu cheng wei lin an nong cun jing ji de zhi zhu
Pages: 42
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Nonwood Forest Research

Keyword:  笋用竹农村经济临安县笋用林笋用竹林浙江西北高节竹刚竹属石竹笋浙江省;
Abstract: 笋用竹成为临安农村经济的支柱地处浙江西北部的临安县是长江三角洲中紧靠上海、杭州等大中城市的山区县,介于东经110°56′─119°56′,北纬29°56′─30°23′。幅圆3118.8km2,人口50万。临安县竹种资源丰富,据初步调查全县有10属5...
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