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Journal Articles
ying jia ceng han chui zhi lie wen han jie jie tou dan su xing duan lie xing wei de yan jiu
Pages: 93-97
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Materials Science and Technology

Keyword:  welded jointsfracture toughnessCODmechanical heterogeneity;
Abstract: In the paper welded jolnts with a crack in longitudinal direction of ove- rmatched weld or HAZ are simolified into a mo(?)el in witch a longltudinal hard laver contains a crack perpendicular to the interfaces E periment and elesto-plastic FEM are used to study the effects of mechanical heterogeneity on fracture toughness CMODI and frasture parameters CMOD of the joints, and the synchronous problem of the effect on the both sides is also inve- stigated Meanwhile,moire method is used to observe the displasement dist ribution of the crack surface.
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