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wei liang mg qiang hua xiang de x she xian yan jiu
Author(s): Hart Linguang Ma Peili
Pages: 83-
Year: 1987
Journal: Materials Science and Technology
Keyword: Supcrstructural line; degree of long range parameter; antiphase domain boundary energy;
Abstract: The effect of trace Mg in Ni-base GH220 superalloy on the degree of long range order (DLRO) of γ′-phase has been studied through a contrast between the integral intensities of a basic line (220) and a superstructural line (100) by using an X-ray diffraction technique. The experimental results show that the addition of trace Mg to the alloy will increase greatly the DLRO and the anti-phase domain boundary energy of γ′-phase. As a result, the resistance provided by γ′-phase to the dislocation movement can be increased. This may be considered one of the important strengthening mechanisms of superalloys.
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