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Journal Articles
wen du dui gh34 gang di zhou pi lao xing neng de ying xiang
Pages: 17-26
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Materials Science and Technology

Keyword:  Low-cycle fatiguecycle strain hardening and softeningblue brittleness;
Abstract: In this paper, the effect of temperature on the low-cycle fatigue behaviour of GH34 steel, which is widely used in gas-turbine man ufacturing, is studied by using strain-controlled low-cycle fatigue tests at room temperature, 350℃, 450℃, and 550℃. The experimental results show that GH34 demonstrates its cycle strain hardening in all the tests, and that its lowcycle fatigue life decreases with the increase of test temperature. Low-cycle fatigue life of the steel decreases rapidly at 450℃ which is about the same as it is at 550℃. This effect may have a bearing on the blue brittleness of the steel The exponent value a in the Coffin-Manson equation also increases with the increase of test temperature. The crack propagation behaviour of the steel at high temperatures is corresponding to that of fatigue crack propagation stage-Ⅱ. The inter-granular crack propagation due to creep component was not observed in the tests.
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